civil war
1. A war between factions or regions of the same country.
2. A state of hostility or conflict between elements within an organization:
“The broadcaster is in the midst of a civil war that has brought it to the brink of a complete management overhaul”(Bill Powell)
3. Civil War The war in the United States between the Union and the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865.Also called War Between the States
Civil War 美国内战,美国南北战争:1861年至1865年美国北方联邦与南部联盟之间的战争也作 War Between the States
4. Civil War The war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists from 1642 to 1648.
Civil War 英国内战:1642年至1648年英国议会党人与保皇党人之间的战争