词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语 • Law Courts 法院,法庭。 • Law Lord (英国)上议院高级法官。 • law enforcement 法律的实施。 • law enforcement agency 执法机构。 • law merchant 商法,商业习惯法。 • law of action and reaction [物]作用力和反作用力定律,牛顿第三定律。 • law of averages [统]平均律,常规。 • law of causality 因果律。 • law of causation 因果律。 • law of conservation of energy [物]能量守恒定律。
military law
military-law的词性: n.(名词)
1. The statutes, codes, and common traditions relating to and executed by military courts for the discipline, trial, and punishment of military personnel. 军法:军事法庭为惩戒、审问或处罚军人而援引或使用的法律、法规或一般惯例