sensitive plant
1. A shrubby tropical American plant (Mimosa pudica) having mauve flower heads and bipinnately compound leaves with leaflets and leafstalks that fold and droop when touched. Also called touch-me-not
含羞草:一种热带美洲灌木植物(含羞草 含羞草属) ,具有淡紫色的头状花序和二回羽状复叶,它的一片叶和叶柄在受到触摸时合拢且下垂 也作 touch-me-not
2. Any of various similar plants, such as Cassia nictitans, of eastern and central North America.
敏感植物:各种相似的植物的任何一种,例如铁刀木属 产于北美洲东部和中部的