slime mold
1. Any of various primitive organisms of the phylum Acrasiomycota, especially of the genus Dictyostelium, that grow on dung and decaying vegetation and have a life cycle characterized by a slimelike amoeboid stage and a multicellular reproductive stage. Also called cellular slime mold
黏菌:一种集孢菌门的原始组织,尤指粘菌 属,生长在粪便或腐烂的植物上,其生命循环的特点是有一个粘液状的无定形阶段和一个多细胞的生殖阶段 也作 cellular slime mold
2. Any of various organisms of the phylum Myxomycota that grow on decaying vegetation and in moist soil and have a similar but more advanced life cycle.Also called myxomycote, plasmodial slime mold
粘霉菌:一种粘菌门的组织,生长在腐烂的植物或潮湿的地面上,其生命循环与粘菌相类似但更高级也作 myxomycote, plasmodial slime mold