vicious circle
1. A situation in which the apparent solution of one problem in a chain of circumstances creates a new problem and increases the difficulty of solving the original problem.
2. A condition in which a disorder or disease gives rise to another that subsequently affects the first.
3. Logic A fallacy in reasoning in which the premise is used to prove the conclusion, and the conclusion used to prove the premise.
【逻辑学】 循环论证:推理中前提条件用来证明结论,而结论用来论证前提的错误
4. Translation of New Latin circulus viti?sus [circular argument]
现代拉丁语 circulus viti?sus的翻译 [循环论证]
5. Medieval Latin circulus [circular argument]
中世纪拉丁语 circulus [循环论证]
6. Latin viti?sus [flawed, faulty]
拉丁语 viti?sus [错误的,出错的]